
23 September, 2011

Eiffel Scholarship

This was sent to me by the University. If there are any foreign Masters students that are interested in applying, I would be more than happy to write a recommendation. Sorry, this scholarship is not available to French nationalities.

The Eiffel Programme offers funding for:
- a Master’s postgraduate degree course
- a 10-month jointly tutored and jointly supervised component as part of PhD course,
preferably during the 2nd or 3rd year.
The Eiffel excellence programme is run by the French Ministry of Foreign and EuropeanAffairs. Focusing on three key subject areas of sciences, economics and management, law and political science, its primary aim is to offer scholarships in French higher education establishments to future public and private sector decision-makers in foreign countries.
As regards the Master’s degree course, students pursuing careers in teaching and research are not eligible as they can benefit from other grant programmes.
It also seeks to encourage applicants from developing countries, particularly in Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the new EU Member States, although this does include industrialised countries for the PhD component.
The Eiffel Programme is designed to help French higher education establishments attract high-calibre overseas students. Only French higher education establishments can submit applications and, if successful, they must enrol the candidates in the requested courses to obtain the Eiffel grant.
More information can be found on their website.

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