
19 November, 2010

Fast Food: McDonald's McRib

Here are links to the texts, articles, and websites we used in class.

Solving The McRib Mystery: McDonald's Employees Tell Us What's In The Seasonal Sandwich

Legends of McRib promotional site from McDonald's with the commercial

for nutrition facts, click on nutrition

Fast Food Info, the photos of the McRib being taken apart and ingredients

Vocabulary -

high fructose corn syrup - condensed syrup made from corn that has high fat and sugar levels that is put into many foods in the US because it is cheap to produce; incredibly bad for your health: cholesterol, heart, weight, and taste buds

daily calorie intake - amount of calories you should consume in one day, varies on your gender, age, and excercise

locator - an online tool or website that allows you to locate a product or store

gastropub - a new trend in American restaurants, organic and locally produced food, ingredients and local, traditional recipes.

grass-fed bed - cows that eat grass, as opposed to cow who eat corn in the US because its cheaper to have more cows, and fatter cows this way

debuted - just a note, the 't' is not pronounced in this word

sticky - usually a substance that affixes to a surface, and is hard to remove

well-versed - well-spoken; someone who speaks very knowledgably and without hestitation

united front - a uniform force, in this case, employees who all act the same

Discussion Questions (Niveau 4 and up):

What did you think when you read the headline?
What springs to your mind when you hear the term 'fast food'?
Do you think fast food is here to stay?
Why do you think it's unhealthy to live near fast food restaurants?
What do you think of fast food restaurants, how often do you eat there?
Has this article made you think again about eating fast food?
What is your favorite kind of fast food?
What is your diet normally like, do you think kids today are growing up with the same diet?
Is it true for your country that there are more fast food restaurants in low-income areas?

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